HPL Senior School Newsletter


HPL Senior School Newsletter


This year has got off to a busy start and HPL has been vital in all aspects. It has been uniquely beneficial in all areas with every department embracing this latest attribute of our school. Students have incorporated the skills and attitudes into everyday life, encouraging their growth throughout their studies as well as Co-Curriculars.



In the autumn term, English was about reading comprehension and the crafting of writing, be that fiction or nonfiction. Whilst this is perhaps not as fun as studying a play, it is a rich opportunity for developing HPL skills, and as all roads ultimately lead to GCSEs in year 11, we are teaching you how to manage these exams on your own.

Reading requires analysing: critical and logical thinking to deconstruct the text, and also requires precision: working effectively within the rules of a domain, as you must answer the questions efficiently and effectively. Furthermore, many of the skills use linking, as what is asked of you in a fiction comprehension will be very similar in non-fiction. Writing itself is of course creating, and whether that is a fiction narrative, descriptive scene or letter to the editor, it requires evolutionary and fluent thinking, playfulness and originality (and revolutionary thinking, when you get your work marked and some feedback on how to improve from your teacher!). Of course, this written feedback is so important, as it is part of your meta-thinking: understanding where you have done well or need further work (self-regulation) and strategy planning of how to enact that next time. 

As you progress from year 7 to 11, the work we do spirals round, becoming more challenging but also developing your skills, so that by the time you reach year 11 and the big bad sports hall calls your name for GCSE, you will be able to bring into realisation all these skills with automaticity, speed and accuracy. Simples!



HPL is valued in mathematics as many of the skills and attributes are inherent to being a mathematician. 

To get you thinking, I encourage you to look at the pictures below and answer the question “where is the maths in that?”

Maths is extremely useful in representing various contexts from different fields including physics, business and psychology. Therefore linking between subjects is important for students and they should develop problem solving skills to be able to work with familiar concepts regardless of the context.  Whilst often overlooked, mathematics requires intellectual playfulness to take what is already known and apply it in new ways.



In Biology we use HPL skills throughout the courses. When completing practical work, students have to think logically to devise a hypothesis and then support their conclusion with supporting evidence. This leads to flexible thinking as students will often have to generate a new idea based on their evidence or adapt their method if it doesn’t work. In Biology we regularly use the meta thinking skills to transfer our knowledge from one circumstance to another. All of the organisms on the planet are linked in some way and the ability to see the big picture is essential. When looking at topics such as evolution or genetic testing, students require the intellectual confidence to argue a point that may go against their personal beliefs.



We try to embed the language of HPL in every physics lesson to give all the pupils the confidence that they can excel.



All aspects of HPL are used in psychology. Metathinking is used as students transfer their knowledge of theories and apply them to debates, for example the biological approach believes in the nature side of the nature-nurture debate. Linking is used as students use their knowledge of psychological theories to explain real life examples of human behaviour, such as why does someone develop phobias, is it learnt from experience? We are creative in psychology, as we design experiments to test theories of human behaviour. If students want to be more creative and explore/discuss theories, there are opportunities to join the psychology society or introduction to psychology.



The chemistry curriculum effectively uses HPL to help students explore their thought processes for answers to complex questions. It also allows them to reflect on the strategies they used to reach these solutions. By engaging in these metacognitive practices, students develop the skills necessary to tackle new and unfamiliar scientific challenges.



As Economics is a dynamic and ever evolving subject, all concepts of HPL enhance and further students’ learning. Students require all the hard working attributes to tackle challenging topics while being able to use meta-thinking and the ability to link theory to real life scenarios. This coupled with the skills of collaborative learning and open-mindedness ensure that students receive a well rounded learning experience.



In BTEC Marketing, the students are expected to use strategic planning when creating a marketing strategy for a product or service in a real life scenario. They also use all the agile skills to apply and interview for a mock job role. This also requires the students to be confident as they have to present in front of an external audience. Plenty of practice, perseverance and resilience are required throughout the course, be it for coursework, exams or presenting their marketing plan.

Business Studies

Business Studies

Business students show analytical skills when assessing the impact of business activities on stakeholders, such as a decision made by one business to take over another. Students often need to make connections to explain the cause and effect of a range of situations on decision-making, which is done with an open-minded approach. Overall, students have to practice and persevere, while being resilient, when tackling calculations and extended written questions to build exam technique that meets higher-level assessment criteria. 



Sociology is a research based social science that looks at competing theories and perspectives to explain big trends and issues in societies. The linking of theories and big-picture thinking, leads into analytical critical thinking, which is inherent to sociology. An empathetic approach is always taken when we consider issues of national and global inequality in regard to gender, ethnicity and social class. This nurtures learners towards valuing diversity and social responsibility.



In REP we consider alternative and wide ranging perspectives, while always trying to see the bigger picture when approaching issues. Debating complex issues such as ‘crime & punishment’ or ‘the existence of knowledge’, we use reason and critical thinking to problem solve. Through our study of religion we instill curiosity about the world, taking an open-minded approach and seeking the views of others. Use of HPL skills helps students to fully access the study of Religion, Ethics & Philosophy.



In MFL all HPL skills and attitudes are vital throughout lessons to ensure students get the most out of their studies.



Geography is learning about how the physical world links with the human world and recognising how interconnected we are. We use HPL skills and attitudes to explore these connections. The attitude ‘empathy’ helps us to explore Case Studies of different places around the world which lets us identify the similarities between people and places. Agility in lessons allows us to develop curiosity about the world around us with the ability to articulate our personal views based on evidence and offer solutions. This is particularly important in our ever-changing and evolving world.

HPL in Geography

Performing Arts

Performing Arts

HPL is a natural fit with the best practice of a Performing Arts faculty where every single person involved in a project has to be working at their best to bring about the best results.  Creativity, originality and thinking outside the box are all integral to the process of producing drama, dance and all aspects of music and when we put on a show, we literally have to see the big picture if we are going to get that standing ovation!

Just look at this rehearsal shot: everyone has to be focused as a team for the big picture to make sense!



In EAL, all HPL Skills & Attitudes are important, but perhaps our most crucial one is the empathetic attitude because collaboration and global awareness are essential for communicating in a new language within diverse cultural contexts. HPL skills of practice and perseverance are also fundamental as they enable pupils to overcome language barriers and challenges. The emphasis on creativity also helps pupils approach language learning innovatively and adapt it to their own needs.

What Does HPL Look Like in Language Learning?



Investing in our skill development is the most valuable thing we can do, and is essential to successfully navigate the rapidly changing job market. No longer is the sole focus of recruiters on attainment and experience, but now also what competencies a candidate can offer. Can a prospective employee flex and adapt to the changing demands of the workplace, can they take initiative to work collaboratively with robotics and AI? Do they have the skill set to quickly problem solve and react to a changing market?

Click here for more about HPL in Futures

Year 7 pupils

Year 7 pupils

Year 8

Year 8

The Year 8 tutoring program this year has been focussed on fostering the HPL attitudes of Empathy. We began by exploring different notions of “Success” and building a roadmap of success that did not just involve personal glory or financial gain but a life well lived. We explored Ralph Waldo Emerson’s poem, “Success”. In it he describes success as “knowing one life has breathed easier because you have lived” and we focussed on acts of kindness and gratitude to live out this philosophy. Y8 were agile and open-minded in having their traditional notions of success challenged. 

Throughout the tutor program has been given a clear focus through using the lens of empathy. Other topics have included Gratitude, Reputation, Philanthropy and Culture. Next half term we will be focusing on Agile attitude and how Y8 can become more enquiring, creative and open-minded.

Year 10

Year 10

Year 10 have worked hard on HPL skill ‘Empathetic’ with their fundraising efforts for Movember. All boys sat in an assembly about the causes and concerns surrounding male mental health and cancer related illnesses. They understood and explored the importance of talking if they had any worries. They agreed to plan and run a charity fundraiser (cakes and moustache shaped cookies) which took place on Friday 29th November at break time.

Sam - (A student’s perspective)

Sam - (A student’s perspective)

HPL has transformed my learning at Queen’s, enabling me to obtain essential skills such as independent thinking and critical analysis. By developing a good mindset and encouraging active participation, HPL empowers me to excel in all lessons and become a confident, high-performing learner!
