Sports Report 25 March 2022

Sports Report 25 March 2022

Prep Match Reports


Girls U10B at Exeter Festival – This was a lovely afternoon where the girls were put into mixed teams with four other schools. They participated brilliantly and learnt to work as part of a team really quickly. Well done Eliza’s team who came first (Team Bath) and Grace’s (Weston) who came second! 

Girls U8 at Millfield Festival – The girls all had a fantastic morning of netball at the U8 Millfield Festival. They showed huge determination and spirit throughout the tournament and made exceptional progress in all aspects of the game. The girls also showed excellent teamwork and sportsmanship, which was a pleasure to see.

Girls U10B v Blundell’s – This was a hard match against a tough side. The girls put in lots of great defensive work.

Girls U11A v Blundell’s – This was one of the hardest matches that the U11 girls have had this season.  There was some great passing and the girls fought for balls when needed. 

Girls U11B v Blundell’s – Some promising play but the girls learnt some valuable lessons, great effort girls.

Girls U10A v Blundell’s –The girls had a fantastic match and should be highly commended for maintaining such a determined approach against a challenging side. They made a huge improvement in their defensive skills, intercepting many balls and winning rebounds and contested balls.



Mixed U11/10 @ King’s Hall – The Cross-Country team tried incredibly hard and achieved some fantastic results on a personal level. Every single one of them gave it their all in what was very hot conditions! Special mention to Jayden who came 2nd in his race and 4th overall. 


Boys U11A v Perrott Hill and Blundell’s – The U11A boys played some of their best hockey of their term, combining well as a team and working hard throughout these matches.

Boys U11/10B v Perrott Hill and Blundell’s  –A beautiful day for hockey and the boys worked hard. We were undone by two teams who wanted to play wide. 

Boys U10 v Perrott Hill and Blundell’s – This was an enjoyable triangular competition and the boys played some great hockey. We drew the first match against a competitive Perrott Hill side and then raised our game to beat our hosts, Blundell’s, 4-1. A cracking effort from everyone involved.

Boys U8 at Millfield Festival – In glorious Spring weather, the U8s took part in the Millfield Hockey Festival. This proved to be a massive learning curve for them and they responded well to some early setbacks to finish with a battling performance against All Hallows.


Senior Match Reports


Senior 3rd v Exeter School – Won 21-20 Fantastic team result. We managed to come back from a 5 goal deficit in the last quarter. Great shooting from Abi and Isla and a number of vital interceptions from Lily. A memorable win!

U12B v Exeter School – Team changes at half time and new combinations brought a huge improvement to the 2nd half only losing 5-4. Players of match Lara Fourie GD& Hattie Thorne GA. Well played.

U14A v Exeter School – Exeter came out fighting and took a first half lead. We battled hard to contain their attack and trailed throughout but, struggled to maintain any rhythm getting the ball into the circle. Evelyn Burrough at GK took several timed interceptions and was voted coaches player of match.

U15A v Exeter School – The Queen’s 15A team had a good start against Exeter and only trailed by 5 goals in the first quarter. As the game progressed, gusts of wind made shooting and passing a real challenge forcing them to change up their game to do shorter passes and take closer shots. Niamh and Claire in the shooting circle linked up well with the mid-courters to work themselves into closer shooting positions. The defence did a great job putting pressure on Exeter’s attack and often game out with a tip or a turnover. Unfortunately Exeter pulled away after the first quarter and they took the win. Oppositions player of the match went to Niamh Lee and Catriona Wombwell.

Senior 1st v Exeter School – The girls took a heavy defeat against a tall and well drilled Exeter side. A few players down meant that we were not a slick through the mid-court which lead to a number of turn overs. A huge well done to Emily Handel and Sophia Welsh who made their debut for the 1st Team. I look forward to the final block against Shebbear College next Saturday.

U15B v Exeter School – After a slow start in the 1st quarter, the U15B team improved and got more confident as the game went on. The team made some positional changes and a few players tried out positions they had never played before. Araya Glanvill played out of her usual goal shoot position for a quarter to take the centre bib for a spin! Felicity Cook also had a great quarter in the GD bib putting on some great defensive pressure. They managed to put some goals on the board but Exeter took the win. Felicity Cook and Natasha Ncube were awarded oppositions player of the match.

U14B v Exeter School – The girls had an even game in the first few quarters against Exeter, with some fantastic shooting by Liv Turner and Finlay Twiss. The girls fought hard to stay in the game, but were unlucky against an indomitable Exeter attack. Players of the match were Sara-Li Popescue and Maddie Lloyd.

U12A v Exeter School – The U12As match against Exeter school was a lesson in sport psychology for the girls. A questionable first quarter dropped the girls’ heads, but after a much needed pep talk and some goal setting the girls began to play with a steely determination to bring the scores level again. Whilst the girls didn’t win the game they learned a lot about coming back from being down in a match.

U13A v Exeter School – With only 6 players it was impossible to be competitive but the Exeter girls kindly volunteered to fill in which made for a lovely game where the girls interacted with the other team socially.

U12A v Bruton School for Girls – A superb penultimate match for the girls saw them score 30 goals against Bruton school for girls in a match that demonstrated all that they have learned this season. The girls shone on their centre pass routines, deftly getting the ball to the circle to shoot, with some agile passing around the circle to create space for the shooters. Players of the match went to Maryam Alsaidi and Amy Chen.


Senior 1st v Clayesmore – Our Senior XI played a well fought for victory for the final match of the season against Clayesmore. This was Jack Dormor’s final match as Queen’s College Hockey Captain. Jack stepped up throughout the year and kept the standards high all the way until the final match. This was a dominating display, lots of positives to look forward to next year from the year 11/12’s, and a display of maturity from Year 13 ready to play senior club level next year. Toby Bloxham being sold at the back while also showing some attacking flare, and Matt Empsall making some gliding runs up the pitch. Daryl scored one of the goals, a silky finish slyly putting the ball around the keeper. Final score, 2-1

U14B v Clayesmore – Great game from the U14b. Played the match in great spirt and with good passion. Although a tight loss the boys have made clear progress throughout the year.

Senior 2nd v Clayesmore – Our Senior 2nd Team also played Clayesmore, a match which Louis Reynolds, the captain, knew what the team wanted to achieve having lead squad practice the evening before. The boys set out to dominate possession and transfer the ball quickly, which they succeeded to do. Louis Reynolds has been an excellent captain throughout the season. Player of the match – Will Jeffery.  Although the boys did not win on this occasion, they had a fantastic time and have been a credit to the school throughout the season.

U14A v Clayesmore- The boys put together a good performance together on Saturday showing good progress with their finishing ability and continuing to create a number of good chances to score. It was a good team all round team performance and pleasing for the boys to get another win.

Rosslyn Park Rugby 7s

by Max Johnson (Captain)

The journey to Rosslyn started at 5pm on Monday, the boys and myself were eager to arrive. The bus journey was long. Once we arrived everyone was rewarded with a lovely team meal at Zizzi which created a great atmosphere  for the team the night before the matches.

We woke up early on Tuesday and enjoyed a big breakfast before getting on the bus to Rosslyn and preparing for a fantastic day of rugby.

Our first game saw us take on the Irish school of Ballyclare High, which was a tough first game, although we put up a good fight and scored a couple tries. Our second was against Hills Road School which was a close game in which some major heart and grit was shown, as well as some displays of great finesse and the progress we have made. We lost the game narrowly but showed great improvements from our previous game.

Our last game put us against the local school of Bristol Grammar School which had won all their games before us. We started slowly but came back into the game, controlling possession and dominating the game in the second half which was topped off by two great team tries.

In conclusion, the day was great and the boys represented themselves and the school proudly, showing great progress but sloppy mistakes cost us points. We are now ready to go again at the small schools 7s tournament in two week time!
