
Puddleducks children have continued to learn about and explore different job roles this week. The post office role play has been well explored the children gained confidence over the week writing letters and postcards. Some of the older children have been displaying great skills with their pencil control as well as early letter formation. The children also enjoyed the experience of being a builder, using the foam bricks with their own homemade cement to start building a wall.

The wet weather this week has provided lots of fun for the Tiggywinkles children to splash in the puddles in the garden. The focus book has been the ‘Animal Boogie’ which provided an opportunity for some lovely animal yoga sessions where the children could practise their balancing skills.

Sound Lotto was also a very popular activity, where children used their skills to recall sounds they have previously heard and then to identify them. The knowledge of popular animal sounds has been observed to have developed well across the week.

Cottontails room has been full of celebrations this week where children have been achieving across all areas. We have seen children’s confidence growing showing off their walking skills, new babies have really settled this week and new words are popping up all the time from some of the older children in the room  The role play kitchen has also provided enjoyments with opportunities for staff to show children how to use utensils in the kitchen as well as setting up picnics for the teddies. 


There was great excitement this week in Queen’s Minis for the first offsite Forest School trip to Fyne Court this year. The rain didn’t dampen spirits as the children set off kitted out in waterproofs and wellies in the minibuses.

On arrival, the children first had a snack of chocolate milk and biscuits before the session began with the usual Forest School song: ‘Here we are at Forest School’.  Then the children were split into 4 groups, each with an adult ready to play the ‘1,2,3 where are you?’ game that they have been practising onsite in previous weeks but this time the added attraction of hiding amongst the trees and bushes meant that each group was harder to find! A little play in the woodland dens finished the session before they headed back to school singing songs on the bus and arriving back just in time for lunch! They are looking forward to their trip out again soon!

Other activities the children had taken part in this week have included planting herb seeds and making secret gifts for a special day in a few weeks time. The children also enjoyed playing a variety of musical instruments to some upbeat music.

Categories: Nursery and Minis