Author & Illustrator Mike Brownlow Visits children from Queen’s Minis to year 4

Author & Illustrator Mike Brownlow Visits children from Queen’s Minis to year 4

The children from Queen’s Minis to Year 4 were treated to a workshop from author/illustrator, Mike Brownlow.  He has written and illustrated many books for young children, including the ‘Ten Little’ books and ‘Little Robots’ story.  The session included listening to Mike reading his books and him leading drawing sessions with the children all creating some fabulous illustrations.  The children and staff were fascinated to hear his inspirations for his creations.  Mike shared with the children how he was inspired by cowboys as a child and how this has evolved to loving stories about space, by being fascinated by Star Wars.  He read a couple of his stories and encouraged the children to join in with some appropriate actions and sounds to bring the story to life. Then Mike took the children step by step through the creation of a character, first a robot, then a penguin and finally an alien.  After which the children took part in a basic drawing activity where they created their own characters from his inspiration. They adored adding expression to their characters and were very proud of the results.


If you would like to find out more about Mike then please visit his website:

Categories: Prep School