Senior School Speech Day

Senior School Speech Day

On Thursday 3 July, Queen’s marked the end of another successful academic year with its annual Speech Day. The event gathered senior school pupils, staff, and families in a marquee to celebrate the year’s achievements and to present awards for exceptional efforts throughout the academic year.

The ceremony commenced with an opening address from the Chair of Governors, Mr. Mark Edwards, followed by a speech from the Head of College, Mr. Julian Noad. HPL prizes and ‘Queen’s Prizes’ for contributions to the school were then awarded across all year groups, with additional subject prizes recognising the significant achievements of pupils in Years 11 and 13.

Dr. Sarah Fane, the Director of the MCC Foundation, was the guest speaker for the event. Dr. Fane, who leads a team dedicated to transforming lives through cricket both in the UK and globally, spoke about the importance of community and resilience. She highlighted the parallels between the values upheld by Queen’s College and those fostered through sportsmanship and teamwork.

Following the prize giving, the Heads of School, Emily and Tadhg, delivered a farewell address, reminiscing about their time at Queen’s and expressing their gratitude to the School and its community. The Head of College concluded the proceedings, after which a hymn was sung.

The ceremony was followed by a drinks reception in front of the Cricket Pavilion, where pupils, families, and staff had the opportunity to socialise and bid their farewells over refreshments. An exhibition in the Art Department showcased the work of pupils from the Prep School through to the Sixth Form, and attendees were encouraged to visit and appreciate the students’ artistic talents.

Year 13 students and their families were invited to a special lunch served in the Wyvern Roost. The gathering allowed the students to share final moments together before departing to prepare for the eagerly anticipated Summer Ball.

Event Programme and Awardee Names

Categories: Senior School