Nursery and Minis Round Up 17 January

Nursery and Minis Round Up 17 January


It’s been a busy and exciting week in the Nursery, with the children embracing the winter weather and engaging in a variety of enriching activities.

In Cottontails, the focus has been on the classic story We’re Going on a Bear Hunt. The children have brought the tale to life by creating their own bear hunt adventure using a range of textures and materials. The children also enjoyed practising the story’s repetitive phrases and actions, making storytime interactive and fun. Outdoor play has been a highlight this week, with activities like climbing, balancing, and running games helping to build confidence and coordination.

In Puddleducks, the children have been captivated by Stickman. Nature walks led to the collection of sticks, which were used to craft their own imaginative versions of the character. The children also explored early mathematical concepts by weighing and comparing objects, providing valuable hands-on learning experiences.

Both groups have embraced the mix of indoor and outdoor play, with activities that inspire curiosity, creativity, and collaboration. It’s been wonderful to see their enthusiasm and engagement throughout the week!


This week, Queen’s Minis have been diving into the fascinating world of polar animals and their chilly habitats. Through this theme, they’ve revisited shapes by matching penguins with their igloo counterparts and enjoyed exploring a sensory tray filled with ice cubes. The children especially loved the challenge of freeing frozen animals trapped in the ice!Storytime brought the Arctic to life with engaging books about penguins, as well as videos showing them swimming and playing in their natural habitats. The children were particularly captivated by the incredible life cycle of a penguin. Despite the cold weather, the children took their learning outdoors. They collected sticks to create art stick men and had fun using pine cones to make unique shapes and patterns.
It’s been a fantastic week of icy adventures and creative exploration!

Categories: Nursery and Minis