Prefects POV 18 March 2022

Prefects POV 18 March 2022

As Head Boy and Girl, Jenny and Ali have driven a number of initiatives that have definitely changed the school for the better. One of these being ‘The Queen’s Gauntlet’, an amazing event that the whole school was able to enjoy. However, one of the more practical ideas that Jenny and Ali were able to reintroduce after a long break was The Student Council. The Student Council is made up of a number of students from each year, voted for by their peers. It’s now one of the many opportunities within school for the student voices to be truly heard. They meet at least once every half term and discuss matters ranging from how to make the school more eco friendly to brainstorming new house events. 

Not only is it a great opportunity for students to take on positions of responsibility by acting as representatives for their year groups, but it also reinforces the sense of community that we have at Queen’s. Opinions from all ages come together to work towards the common goal of helping the school be the best that it can possibly be. The senior staff are able to read the minutes taken in the meeting and take into consideration the ideas discussed. The issues raised are also brought up within the weekly prefect meeting. This means that the council really does have a definite impact upon the community and action is able to be taken upon their requests. Ali commented that he ‘believes that the revival of the school council has enabled students to enjoy a louder voice within the school, and both Jenny and I hope that the legacy of the student council will continue long after our departure at the end of Year 13.’

The most recent Student Council meeting was yesterday (Thursday 17th March) where 10  students gathered in the Sixth Form Centre where they considered wellbeing and sustainability.  Jenny says, “there was a good turn out and it was a productive session.”

The Student Council has proved to be an invaluable resource and it has been great to see Jenny and Ali running it so well. We hope that the effects of the student council will make the school a better and more comfortable place for everyone.


Categories: Sixth Form