Sports Report 01 April 2022

Sports Report 01 April 2022

Prep Sports Report

Cross-Country Mixed U11 and U9 at the Larkman Cup

This was the first Cross-Country team event that the Prep School has been able to participate in for 3 years. All of the children ran extremely impressively and will have gained invaluable experience. Poppy and Jack were our lead runners in the U9 sections. Teniore battled for a well deserved 3rd in the U11 girls’ section.  Jayden ran a superb race with a good demonstration of front running to win the U11 boys’ section.

Netball Girls U11B and Exeter Festival

The girls represented the school admirably, mixing up with players from three other schools to form 6 teams playing off against each other. All the girls were praised by the other staff members for their general play and positivity.  

Netball U8 and U9 v West Buckland

The girls had an excellent afternoon of netball and played extremely well. Their performance was testament to the fantastic progress that they have made this term. They demonstrated very good marking skills, some accurate shooting and showed a huge improvement in their movement on the court. They should all be very proud of their performance.

Hockey Boys U11A v Wells Cathedral

The boys struggled to keep their shape and gel as a team, resulting in a below par performance. 

Hockey Boys U11/10B v Wells Cathedral

The boys finished the season on a high producing their best hockey of the term. 

Hockey Boys U10 v Wells Cathedral

A cracking end to a great season for the boys who attacked with confidence and played really well as a team.

Netball Girls U10B v West Buckland and Mount Kelly

A good overall team performance. The girls put in lots of hard work in defence and created some good opportunities in attack. 

Netball Girls U11A v West Buckland and Mount Kelly

A great finish to the season; the girls have all improved so much and have gained a greater understanding of the tactics and skills of the game.

Senior Sports Report


The College welcomed Sexey’s, Kings of Wessex and Wellington  for a rugby 7’s festival. Queen’s started fast with Catriona Wombwell making some incredible tackles and scoring the first try for Queen’s. Maddie Lloyd also stepped up massively leading through actions scoring the team’s second. In a closely fought second half Queen’s won their first game Vs Sexey’s. Second up the school faced national 7’s finalised Kings of Wessex, showing great togetherness Claire Handle made a brilliant break offloading to a supporting player which resulted in a try for Queen’s – the first try Kings’ of Wessex had let in all evening. Finally Queen’s played Wellington in a highly anticipated rematch – Natasha Jewitt showing great ability around the breakdown area,Olivia Turner making some critical tackles and Tabitha Shaw making some great carrys in mid field which resulted in Hartland running the length of the pitch to finish a great try for Queen’s. A great showcase for Women’s rugby, the college would like to thank Mr. Rob Cooling for his continued support for the girls U15 Rugby team.

House Football 

The House Football competition provided a fantastic opportunity for the pupils to take part in some competitive mixed sport which was enjoyed by all. Over the course of the 3 competitions (Junior, Inters and Seniors) there was some entertaining football played in good spirit and it was great to see pupils supporting their Houses. It was an excellent way to start winding down for the Easter break after a long and successful term of sport. Congratulations to Barnicott (Juniors), Woolmer (Inters) and (Seniors) for their respective victories.


U13A v Wellington – Playing 11-a-side for only the second time this term, the team learned a lot about structure and it will serve as a good experience for those stepping up to U14 level next year. The team defended superbly and although the struggled slightly to transition the ball up the pitch, the team looked composed and presses well. Theo Hartland managed to score in a 2-1 defeat.


Equestrian Update 

Queen’s riders Niamh and Francesca did very well in the National Schools Equestrian Association Dressage at Bicton Arena this weekend. Niamh and Francesca came 7th and 8th respectfully in the Prelim 13. Francesca going onto do the Novice 28 coming 6th and then competing in the Elementary 50 coming 2nd and qualifying for the Championships later on in the year.

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