Queen’s has joined the High Performance Learning (HPL) global community

Queen’s has joined the High Performance Learning (HPL) global community

We are excited to announce that Queen’s has joined the High Performance Learning (HPL) global community of schools. Mr Noad, Mr Green and Mr Chislett visited Windsor Castle last week to take part in an induction event that launched us on the pathway to the HPL ‘World Class School Award’. The formal launch of this whole college teaching and learning project will take place in September but we are pleased to be able to give just a glimpse of what is to come.

The High Performance Learning philosophy is relatively simple. Firstly, it is predicated on findings from neuroscience and psychology that tell us that we can build better brains and that intelligence is not fixed. Young people should never be limited by outdated ideas of genetic potential because, with the right deliberate practice, almost everyone is capable of high performance.

Secondly, we can learn from what is known about how people reach advanced cognitive performance to systematically teach and build the learning skills and behaviours that will deliver success in school, in the workplace and in later life.

We are really excited about how this project will further strengthen our teaching and learning, further improve academic outcomes and, ultimately, better prepare our pupils, ‘not just for school, but for life’. We look forward to telling you more about it in the new school year.


Photographed above Mr Green, Mr Chislett and Mr Noad , at the HPL meeting 




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