Kingswood MUN

Kingswood MUN

On the first of March a number of our students bundled into the bus dubbed by the students as the MUNbus to enjoy a weekend of interesting political debate at Kingswood School in Bath. Our students left on Friday and begun the trip to their Premier Inn in which most students swiftly changed out of school uniform and into some rather sharp business wear. After one final short drive to the school itself, Kingswood MUN kicked off in full gusto and the Queen’s students split up to go to their respective committees for debate. On Friday the students were involved in the lobbying of many resolutions (items to debate); some of our pupils received the minimum number of signatures, allowing their resolutions to be discussed. This setup a very exciting weekend for all. However this very nearly wasn’t the case because (very ironically for the Environmental Committee) it had snowed! And because of it, the morning of BISMUN (Bath International Schools Model United Nations) was cut short and the afternoon was all that remained of the Saturday. Of course the staff on the trip didn’t let this phase them whatsoever and they expertly navigated the timings and uncertainties to present the students with a morning of shopping in Bath. All the students were able to enjoy the city and shops it had on offer before reconvening and travelling to debate once more. The afternoon passed without a hitch and many resolutions were passed across the committees despite small time limitations with great inputs from all students which were only going to get better.

Saturday had gone and it was the last day of the trip. The students were simultaneously looking forward to more debate as well as wishing for more time to enjoy what MUN had to offer. Once more the students separated into committees but this time our students were warmed up (despite the weather!) and fully understood the proceedings of MUN. Many students gathered the courage to speak up and argue to create a better world for their country and other countries around the world. The emergency resolutions (situations) passed for each committee without a hitch, with each student contributing to their committee’s emergency resolution. Delegates from each country came together for the General Assembly. Our students questioned the other delegates and added to the debate to a high standard that didn’t drop even at the end of the weekend. Finally the debate came to an end and some of our students received awards across the committees.

Thank you to the students and staff who made this a fantastic trip for all to experience. 

Categories: Senior School