Nursery and Minis Round up 26 April 2024

Nursery and Minis Round up 26 April 2024


It has been another busy week in Highgrove Nursery, the children have explored a wide range of activities.

Cottontails enjoyed some walks around the College grounds, taking an interest in all there is to see and do. They also explored the different activities set up in the tuft tray, from an animal tea party to mark-making with crayons.

This week Tiggywinkles read ‘Walter’s Wonderful Web’ and they explored spider-web themed activities from rescuing insects in the sensory tray to discovering how sticky webs can be when using sellotape. They also enjoyed time in the garden, building in the sand and discovering bubble water painting.

Puddleducks continued with their garden centre theme and this week they looked closely at flowers with magnifying glasses and then painted their own flowers. They also experimented with a new sensory experience called ‘aquafaba; which required them to whisk the mixture.

Queen’s Minis

It’s full steam ahead in Queen’s Minis as the children quickly settle back into the nursery routine and begin this term’s topic on minibeasts. They have been fascinated by the arrival of our very own caterpillars for us to observe and learn about as they develop over the next few weeks. Craft activities stemming from this topic provocation have begun in earnest with blob painting butterflies and discovering the concept of symmetry and counting spots on ladybirds to practise their subitising and counting skills. This theme extended into the first Forest School activity for the term where the children went in search of a selection of leaves and flowers to create wonderful natural butterflies. Whilst a guided observational painting activity has enabled them to explore in detail all the features of a variety of minibeasts and represent them on paper. 

What a fantastic start to the term they are having!

Categories: Nursery and Minis