Nursery and Minis Round Up 03 May 2024

Nursery and Minis Round Up 03 May 2024


It has been another fun-packed week at Highgrove Nursery, with the children engaging in a variety of activities across the three rooms. 

Cottontails and Tiggywinkles have been reading ‘ WOW said the Owl’, which has led to several colouring-themed activities. For the children in Cottontails this has been exploring the coloured moon sand and creating a colour collage. They have also been enjoying some music time and creating different sounds with the instruments and floor piano. Whilst in Tiggywinkles they have been learning about the colours of the rainbow and creating their own rainbows in the paint. The children in Tiggywinkles also explored the water play and found the hidden coloured objects within the bubbles. 

Puddleducks have been using their book of the week ‘Handa’s Surprise’ to inspire several food-related activities from tasting the different fruit and vegetables to playing ‘guess the fruit’. They also had turns in imitating ‘Hnada’ by pretending the plates were their baskets and balancing them on their heads. 


Queen’s Minis had a jam-packed week exploring the wonderful world of minibeasts! The children, deeply engrossed in their minibeast topic, watched in fascination as their very own caterpillars grew at an impressive pace. Inspired by the guided painting session from the previous week, the young artists had been busy creating their own minibeast masterpieces.

The onsite Forest School session offered a chance for some garden-based creativity. Using foliage they gathered around the grounds, the children crafted their own bugs by carefully fixing them into molded clay bodies. Googly eyes provided the finishing touch, adding a touch of whimsy to their mini-invertebrate friends.

Kitchen and garden sessions this week focused on the future. The children planted sunflower seeds in the garden, hoping to coax some sunshine out of the clouds. They also channeled their inner Very Hungry Caterpillar by crafting delightful fruit kebabs from the story’s bounty – which, unsurprisingly, were devoured with great enthusiasm at snack time.

Further excitement came with an impromptu visit from Mr. Noad and his canine companion, Percy. Sensory play wasn’t left out either, as a shaving foam activity provided a fun way for the children to practice writing letter shapes with their fingers. And for those developing fine motor skills, the playdough offered an opportunity to hone their cutlery skills.

Categories: Nursery and Minis