Nursery and Minis Round Up 7 June 2024

Nursery and Minis Round Up 7 June 2024


Highgrove have made the most of the nicer weather by having picnics in the garden and enjoying the free-flowing access to the garden. 

Cottontails have continued their beach theme by exploring in water play, and getting messy in the ” ice cream” shaving foam activity! Cottontails also enjoyed going on a lovely morning walk, kicking the balls, and our younger Cottontails have been practicing their physical skills.

Tiggywinkles have been reading the book ‘Sharing a Shell’ and have enjoyed a variety of shell-themed activities, from painting with seashells to using seashells to make marks in the play dough. They also enjoyed playing outside in the garden especially chasing the bubbles and tissue paper in the wind. 

This week Puddleducks have been learning about the weather. They have enjoyed playing in their igloo, they have also made rain, pouring water through containers with holes. Puddleducks also enjoyed throwing beanbags into an umbrella to simulate raindrops. For sensory activities, Puddleducks have explored the cloud dough making different shapes and feeling the different textures.



The children in Queen’s Minis were delighted to be able to release their fully grown butterflies and they waved them off into the nursery garden to search for flowers to feed upon just in time for half term.

On returning back to nursery this week the children have been amazed at how much the sunflowers and bean plants have grown over the half term, they have also added some tomato plants to the kitchen garden area outside.

This week’s off-site visit to Fyne Court for Forest School was full of fun and exploration as the children played the ever popular ‘123 where are you’ hide and seek game and some free play amongst the fallen trees and den-making area . Other activities have included an array of sensory tuff tray experiences with flower petals, flour and shaving foam and opportunities to demonstrate their understanding of key early years concepts such as numbers to ten, colours and basic two-dimensional shapes.


Categories: Nursery and Minis