National Healthy Eating Week 2024

National Healthy Eating Week 2024

The Food and Nutrition department has been celebrating National Healthy Eating Week 2024 this week, with pupils making healthy recipes selected to support some of the Healthy Eating week 2024 Themes. The recipes include tips to help increase intake of fruit, vegetables and fibre, as well as reducing food waste.

This year’s Healthy Eating Week runs from Monday 10 June to Friday 14 June 2024. The goal of Healthy Eating Week is to highlight and celebrate healthy eating habits and lifestyles with five themes for the week:

  • Get at least 5 A DAY – Fresh, frozen, dried and canned all count! 
  • Stay hydrated – Have about 6-8 drinks a day. Tap water is a great choice. 
  • Move more – Find ways to be more active every day. 
  • Focus on fibre – Have more wholegrain foods, fruit, vegetables, beans and lentils. 
  • Reduce food waste – Aim for the right amount when you shop, cook and eat.

At Queen’s College, we have taken a whole school approach for the theme of ‘Stay Hydrated’ we had a big Hydration Station on Tuesday in the dining hall, for ‘Focus on Fibre’ an extra High Fibre Salad Station in the dining hall on Thursday, and the opportunity to learn more about food waste in the dining hall with the ‘Reduce Food Waste’ focus on Friday.

On Thursday, some of our Prep School students prepared and cooked Healthy Eating Week 2024 recipes. Year 5 prepared and cooked Five-A-Day Vegetable and Chickpea Curry with brown rice for a fibre boost, and Year 4 making Roasted Chickpea Snacks with Five-A-Day dried fruits. 
