OQ Reunions

OQ Reunions

On the last two Saturdays of June, groups of OQs gathered at Queen’s for a reunion. On the 8th of the month 20 of those who left in 1978/1980 were reunited and joined by several members of staff, now retired, who live locally. After the initial gathering in the Old Music Room they toured the school before returning to their starting point for afternoon tea. That evening they ate at the Ring of Bells in town to round off a most enjoyable day. Chris Hill and Chris Fayers were instrumental in bringing them together.

Hannah Clarke was the instigator of the reunion a week later when some of her contemporaries who left school in 2012/14 visited the school. Their programme was similar though they opted for refreshments in the sixth form centre as they originally envisaged playing a game of rounders, which would have been played on the grounds adjacent. In the event, the weather was discouraging and everyone had far too much to talk about to consider giving any time for sport. They enjoyed an evening in Brazz.

All were pleased to see so much of the school was as they remembered it but equally impressed by the improvements to facilities and the changes to the organisation of the school. Of the former, the climbing frame and gym as well as the Wyvern Roost and the quality of boarding provision were regarded as terrific additions and the structure of the house system met with universal approval.




Categories: OQ'S