The last couple of weeks have seen two Queen’s debating teams participate in the local Rotary public speaking competition; one intermediate team from Year 9 and one senior team from Year 10.
Lily chaired the intermediate team where Hannah and Ava debated the issue: “Does social media make us smarter?” They were excellent in their delivery of the debate and were praised by the judging panel for their ability to present their arguments without reference to a script or heavy notes. Sadly, they did not progress through to the next round although they received significant plaudits from the judges and spectators alike.
The senior team was chaired by Sasha who introduced Megan and Issy who debated the question: “Should cannabis be legalised?” Their presentations were superbly detailed and well-researched. Both made coherent and persuasive arguments for either side of the debate which led to the audience being divided as to which side they supported. Both teams represented Queen’s admirably, receiving high praise from those judging.