Queen’s College celebrates again!
Quote from Mr Noad, Head of College: We are all so very proud of our Year 13 leavers and their outstanding A-level results, particularly as their GCSE examinations were so…
QuBEc Cup Winners
The QuBEc cup was a fantastic event held yesterday in the Queen’s Hall. We were joined by four other schools including King’s College, King’s Worcester, Dauntsey’s School and Bristol Grammar…
Sports Report 24 June 2022
Prep Sports Report Athletics South-West Athletics Championships In glorious weather there were a number of impressive performances at the South West Prep Schools’ Athletics Championships last Friday. Teniore ran a…
Canteen Cuisine Showcased in Classes in lead up to ‘Healthy Eating Week’
In preparation for the national ‘Healthy Eating Week’ next week, we were joined again by Holroyd Howe Executive Chef Jordan Bradley and visiting Holroyd Howe Nutritionist Molly Wisbey in our…
Food and Nutrition Update 20 May 2022
New Classes of Canteen Cuisine Chicken and chickpeas dishes were served up in classes this week as our Year 10 Food and Nutrition students took part in interactive cooking demonstrations…
Ten Tors 2022
There was such an incredible achievements, atmosphere, and stunning scenery at the Ten Tors event over the weekend. Queen’s is extremely proud of the pupils that took part for displaying…
Prefect Appointments (2022-2023)
After a scrupulous interview and voting process, Mr Noad was delighted to be able to make announcements for next year’s Prefect Team (2022-2023), yesterday afternoon. He paid tribute to the…
Study Tips For The Easter Break
Easter Study Tips For our Year 13 and 11 students, the next two weeks away from school are an opportunity to have a break but, understandably, are going to be…
Sports Report 01 April 2022
Prep Sports Report Cross-Country Mixed U11 and U9 at the Larkman Cup This was the first Cross-Country team event that the Prep School has been able to participate in for…
Food and Nutrition Report 04 March
Flipping marvellous return! A world of batter-related fun has been explored as pupils returned to Food and Nutrition at Queen’s on the final days before Lent. On Monday it was…